NHL 2000 Death

So one day I was scrolling through Egay for one of my favourite Nintendo GameCube games, NHL 2004. I found several copies of the game for various unreasonable prices. I purchased a copy for $80,00000, along with a first edition copy of Sonic.exe.
When it finally cum in the mail, I shat myself in excitement. I put the dick into the GameCube and started the game. When it came to the intro though, it showed Satan saying in a voice like a Care Bear, "EA sports, you're going to die." It skipped the choose you're favourite team screen and skipped right to the main menu. However, Justin Bieber was skating around in the background in a pink fluffy tutu. And there was only one option, which said: "PLAY NOW" (Dramatic music is playing right now).
I was then thrown right into a game where all the players on each team were some evil person, both in real life and fiction. I immediately shut the game off and masturbated to the thought of Apple Jack. After that, skeleton pooped out and killed moi.
Then End